News out of Ringling-land is that elephants will finally be phased out of their shows. As much as I selfishly love to see them, it's impossible not to feel that this is a good, moral, and long-overdue, move on Ringling's part. And it makes me reflect on how very long those magnificent creatures have largely (although not always) tolerated their servitude.
I do agree with the NY Times, who wonders aloud why, if Ringling has decided that using elephants is wrong, are they delaying the change for another 3 years?
In any case: to the many generations of remarkable Elephantidae Proboscidea, I say thanks. And sorry. And we love you. I hope you enjoy a peaceful retirement.
An elephant, apparently named Judy, gives a ride to a few (let's face it, probably unworthy) humans. Coney Island, June 18, 1911. (Library of Congress)